To start the admission process, simply give us a call at (413) 528-1804 or send us an email at admissions@gouldfarm.org. We will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours. Whether you're a prospective guest, family member, or treatment provider, our admissions team is here to assist you and provide guidance. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you may have.

Who Comes to Gould Farm
We welcome adults aged 18 or older who are living with one or more mental health challenges, including anxiety, bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and other challenges. We firmly believe that recovery from mental illness is possible and best achieved when guests are engaged and motivated by their own aspirations for a healthy and meaningful life.
Many factors contribute to recovery, and we have found that guests gain the most benefit when they are:
Interested in increasing their knowledge, understanding and acceptance of their mental illness
Willing to take prescribed medication as a tool in their recovery;
Interested in engaging in community and relationships with others;
Wanting to engage their strengths in meaningful work activities; and
Comfortable living in a rural setting.
Additional Criteria
We understand that everyone's situation is unique, and we're willing to work with you to determine if Gould Farm is a good fit.
For example, some applicants may have a history of substance use. As long as they are committed to sobriety and not currently using, they may still be eligible for our program.
We also prefer that applicants have some basic self-care skills and are in reasonable physical health.
Keep in mind that Gould Farm is a voluntary program in an open setting, and participation in group activities is a key part of the experience. As such, we generally don't accept applicants who aren't willing or able to participate in group activities.
​We do not accept applicants with one or more of the following:
Significant cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s, dementia, intellectual disability);
A primary diagnosis of a substance use disorder, eating disorder, or some personality disorders;
Recent or ongoing violent behavior;
Unresolved legal matters; or
History of arson or sexual offenses.

Financial Information
Gould Farm is a nonprofit organization and operates on a private pay basis. The cost is $460 per day. We understand that this fee may be difficult for some families to manage, so we offer financial assistance to qualifying families thanks to the support of our generous donors. It's important to note that medical insurance typically does not cover our program fee and we are unable to bill insurance directly.
Here is a helpful handout with links to more insurance parity resources.