Please join us on May 11th, 2024 as we celebrate the reopening of Roadside Store and Cafe, a cherished hub in our local community! Festivities start at 4:00 PM and will wrap up around 5:30 PM.
Don't miss out on snagging a commemorative t-shirt, handcrafted by Molly and Aurel from Moho Designs. Limited quantities available!
Enjoy light refreshments, brief speeches, and the company of neighbors and friends. Let's make this reopening one to remember.

🚗 PARKING DETAILS: Head to the nearby Curtis Road for parking, with shuttles to transport you to Roadside. Please avoid parking directly at Roadside.
There will be 5 spaces reserved for parking at Roadside for people with easier access needs. Up to 10 cars may park along Swan Road near the Roadside entrance.
Volunteers will be stationed at Roadside to direct traffic to Curtis Road and Swan Road.
Parking area 1: (up to 30 cars): will be located at the Diane’s Trail entrance field. A volunteer will be stationed at the entrance to direct cars.
Parking area 2: (16 cars) will be located at the Diane’s Trail parking lot. A volunteer will be stationed here with one of the Gould Farm minivans until the lot is full. This person will then shuttle visitors between Roadside and the parking area.
Come rain or shine! We'll be celebrating no matter what, so dress accordingly.
FB event page here: https://fb.me/e/4AjNLuTOr