Volunteer coordinator, Pauline Banducci, invites you to attend our virtual info session on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST to learn more about the Gould Farm 1-year volunteer program.
The energy, vitality, and commitment of our year-long volunteers provide an invaluable contribution to our mission of serving adults with mental health challenges through meaningful work, community living, and individual clinical care.
The flow of the info session
This info session will include a welcome from Stephanie McMahon, outreach director, who will talk about the history of the Farm, our mission, and our therapeutic community.
We will then hear from Nathan Yaple, work program director, who will give participants a detailed sense of the possible work teams they may be a part of as a volunteer.
Pauline Banducci, our volunteer coordinator, will then go over the application details and benefits of being a volunteer.
We will then hear from Cara Hudson and Will Britt, former volunteers, about the challenges and opportunities they experienced during their 1 and 2-year volunteer stints.
At the end, there will be time for questions.
In exchange for full-time service, volunteers receive
Room & board: volunteer housing plus 3 meals a day. Vegan and gluten-free options are

available at each meal. Milk, yogurt, bread, and occasional produce made on the farm are available to take home.
Stipend: First-year volunteers receive an annual stipend of $4200 and second-year volunteers receive $6720. Stipend payments occur every other week.
Vacation and sick leave: 15 vacation days, 10 paid holidays, and 10 sick days.
Full medical insurance: coverage starts on day 1 and there is no cost to the volunteer.
Who Should Apply?

Mature and caring individuals interested in living in a therapeutic community. Volunteers work alongside residents on our 700-acre farm gardening, working with livestock, maintaining trails, baking, helping run the Roadside Café, serving in the residences, and leading activities. Placements in Boston are also available.
What do past volunteers say?
"When my two-year volunteer commitment was up, I felt I could have easily stayed at Gould Farm for much longer. I had fallen in love with the garden, the animals, the forest, and the people... the communication skills I gained during my time as a volunteer have already proven invaluable in both personal and professional contexts." - Read Cara Hudson's entire testimonial here.

"The beautiful setting of the Farm refreshes the soul and challenges the body–maybe it aids the soul in part by challenging the body. But the beauty of even a year-long stay is found more deeply in the relationships with other staff and with guests, especially in seeing genuine change and growth among both groups." - Read Will Britt's entire testimonial here.
"I was a volunteer for a little over a year. It remains one of the most meaningful experiences of my life." - Read Christine Rowghani's entire testimonial here.